Project Highlights

Port of Long Beach: Gerald Desmond Bridge Replacement Project

Bridge Construction and Roadway Improvements: Project Cost $1.4B est.
Port of Long Beach, 2010 – Present

Provide Grant Funding and Program Management support to The Port of Long Beach to replace the Gerald Desmond Bridge across the Back Channel of the Port of Long Beach and construct roadway connectors. Responsible for securing Caltrans and FHWA Authorizations to Proceed required for the use of federal funds for Preliminary Engineering, Right of Way and Utility Relocations including Safetea-Lu, HBP, SHOPP, TCIF/1B Bond funds, TIFIA funding, and MTA Call for Projects grant, and managing all Caltrans, MTA and CTC funding requirements and TIFIA Reporting requirements, 1B Bond, and MTA Call for Project grant, and managing all Caltrans, MTA and CTC funding requirements.

City of Commerce: Washington Boulevard Widening & Reconstruction Project

Roadway widening, Goods Movement, Estimated Project Cost: $36M
City of Commerce 2006 – Present

Provide project management and project funding support to the City of Commerce for the Washington Boulevard Widening and Reconstruction Project to add one additional lane in each direction between the I-710 Freeway and the western City boundary. Secured funding through the MTA Call for Projects Application, 1B State Trade Corridor Improvement Fund Project Application, Safetea-Lu earmarks, Appropriations funding and other grant funding and the preparation of Caltrans E-76 documents for use of Federal Safetea-lu funds, MTA funds, IB Trade Corridor funding, and updating all data bases as required by the CTC.

City of Manhattan Beach: Sepulveda Bridge 33rd St. Widening Project

Bridge Widening and Roadway Widening Project, Estimated Project Cost: $16M
City of Manhattan Beach, 2005 - Present

Provide project management and oversight services to the City to widen the Manhattan Overhead Bridge on Sepulveda Boulevard and widen the roadway between 33rd Street and the bridge. Responsibilities include coordinating and managing all activities required by Caltrans to complete the project environmental document, E-76, right of way including rail road and utility issues and site assessment reports, preliminary engineering, securing project funding, and managing all funding requirements with Caltrans and the MTA.

Gateway Cities Council of Governments: Truck Impacted Intersection Project

Roadway Widening, Intersection Reconstruction Project, Phase 1 $10M, Phase 2 $13M
Cities throughout Gateway COG's region: 2000 - Present

Responsible for providing project management services to the Gateway Cities Council of Governments for the Truck Impacted Intersection Project, a series of intersection improvements in 31 cities in the Gateway area of Los Angeles County. Coordinate project design, planning and engineering and construction with the Cities and Los Angeles County, monitor project funding, and provide project oversight during construction period. Also, prepare Federal ITS Grant Applications for the expansion of the Regional ITS network, and provide support to Gateway Cities for the use of ARRA funds, and Safetea-lu allocations for COG projects.

City of El Segundo: Park Place Extension and Railroad Grade Separation Project

Roadway connection and Grade Separation project, $43M Estimate
City of El Segundo, 2009 - Present

Provide project management support to the City of El Segundo for the Park Place Extension and Railroad Grade Separation Project that will connect the east and west segments of Park Place, providing an east/west alternative to Rosecrans Avenue and transit and pedestrian links to the Douglas Street Green Line Station. Responsible for managing the federal funding, invoicing for the Environmental Impact Report, and managing funding for the remaining design and construction phases of the project.

City of Hawthorne: Aviation/Rosecrans Intersection Improvement Project

Bridge construction and Roadway Widening, Project Cost: $26M
Cities of Hawthorne, El Segundo and Manhattan Beach 2000 – 2005

Provide project management and support to Cities for construction of a new railroad overpass and intersection and roadway widening on one of the most congested intersections in Los Angeles County. Responsible for securing project funding, monitoring project budget, coordinating issues between City agencies/contractors, managing Chevron pipeline relocation, right of way activities, project funding and approvals with Caltrans, and overseeing final project audits.

City of El Segundo: Douglas Street Grade Separation Project

Grade Separation, Bridge and roadway construction, Project Cost: $23M
City of El Segundo, 2004 – 2010

Provide the City of El Segundo with project management support for the Douglas Street Gap Closure Project to connect the north and south segments of Douglas Street via a grade separated under pass, accommodating the MTA Green Line Station and UPRR Rail Road Bridge. Responsible for monitoring all project funding elements, Federal Safetea-lu funds and MTA grants and state funds, preparation of Caltrans E-76 packages and resolving issues with Caltrans and FHWA, overseeing the preparation for the FHWA Audit.

Rosecrans Sepulveda Partners, LLC: Sepulveda Boulevard Widening Project

Roadway widening and intersection reconstruction project: $6M
City of El Segundo 2004 – 2008

Project Manager for private development group to oversee design and construction of a decel lane on Sepulveda Boulevard into the Plaza El Segundo development and improvements to the Sepulveda/Rosecrans intersection. Coordinated all project elements with Caltrans for State Highway work, including securing the Encroachment Permit, securing Chevron and SCE approvals and overseeing construction.

ARRA Projects: Various Cities

Roadway and Intersection Rehabilitation, Project Costs Varied from $500K - $2M

Provided support to the Cities of Hawthorne, El Segundo, Hermosa Beach, Commerce, Manhattan Beach, La Habra Heights, and Bellflower for the use of federal ARRA funds. This included the preparation of all Caltrans E-76 requirements for each City to utilize federal funds for the construction of their ARRA projects, changing funding allocations between City projects with Caltrans approvals, and completing the monthly reporting requirements for City projects.

Rosecrans Sepulveda Partners, LLC.: Rosecrans Avenue Improvements

Roadway and Intersection Widening Project Cost: $4.5M
Cities of Manhattan Beach and El Segundo, 2005 - 2010

Manage roadway widening and intersection improvements for private commercial development on Rosecrans Avenue between Douglas Street and Sepulveda Blvd., overhead utility relocations between Douglas and Manhattan Gateway, and coordinating design and encroachment permit requirements with Caltrans for improvements to the Sepulveda/Marine Avenue intersection. This includes managing the bid and award process for design and construction, overseeing utility relocations, inspections, construction activities and approving daily sheets, change orders and reconciling final billings.

City of Hermosa Beach: Safe Routes to Schools Project

Safety Project, Estimated Project Cost: $800,000
City of Hermosa Beach, 2010

Worked with the City to prepare two Safe Routes to Schools applications for submittal to Caltrans to improve the Pacific Coast Highway/16th Street and Pacific Coast Highway/Pier Avenue intersections, sidewalk completion and school safety designs.